With local NEETs (young people Not-in-Employment-Education-or-Training) numbers from last quarter, showing over 2000 young people (15-24yrs) in the Henderson-Massey Local Board Area. The new partnership with Central Park Henderson Business (CPHB) and Youth Connections is not a timely one – but a necessary one.
September 2017, saw the initial collaborative efforts culminate in what resulted in a successful JobFest West event which celebrated the inclusion of over 70 regional and local employers and attracted over 1000 young job seekers.
For event organisers Youth Connections, Auckland Council & ATEED – one of the real success stories was the contribution of local businesses via local Ministry of Social Development employment brokers, and the hands-on advice and support from CPHB.
With the representation of a dozen local companies at JobFest West, West Auckland businesses proved their commitment to be a part of the solution in the youth employment sector.
It is from this foundation that Youth Connections and CPHB have built their partnership and planning for 2018 and beyond….
May 2018, Youth Connections continue to support initiatives from local youth development providers and CPHB; bridging a divide and empowering a better way for businesses to recruit and retain talented young people, equipping and preparing them with critical skills local employers are seeking; to develop a thriving labour market.
The stage is set to move forward to solution for an end-to-end talent development strategy that addresses the layered needs within the local youth unemployment space.
The challenge remains that while we have organisations working alongside young people and supporting them to become work ready there is a clear need for meaningful business engagement in the sector; businesses driven by purpose for their future – implicitly – the future of their surrounding community and young people.
With the support of the Henderson-Massey Local Board and the Tindall Foundation – Youth Connections have already activated several initiatives with local youth support providers across the West. Together with learnings and resources from initiatives across the wider Auckland region (including the YouthFull digital platform and numerous workshops) – and now with the added support of CPHB as employment/business subject matter experts, the future is looking brighter out West for local businesses and young people.
For any enquiries regarding Youth Connections in West Auckland, please contact Dom Leauga (Specialist Broker) on (021) 0821 0262 or email: dom.leauga@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz