Standing together! As three of our West leaders, Henderson-Massey Local Board Chairman, Chris Carter, Police Area Commander, Inspector Stefan Sagar and Kelvin Armstrong, Chairman of the Central Park Henderson Business Association have come together in unity, along with agencies and local community stakeholders to support a community-led approach which has steered the way to the development and the creation of the (HTC) Henderson Town Centre Community-led Plan.
The plan is supported by many stakeholders including the local Police, Henderson-Massey Local Board, Auckland Council, Central Park Henderson Business Association, local MP Phil Twyford, WestCity Waitakere, The Fono, Neighbourhood Support Waitakere, Community Waitakere, Salvation Army, Zeal, Sport Waitakere, Family Action, Henderson Rotary etc.
The development of the plan was culminated with workshops, discussions and feedback from relevant stakeholders and community.
Applying wide lenses and the community-led approach across the ‘HTC’ was the primary objective taken by the group. This provided an opportunity to create, implement effective and positive activities to improve safety, increase activity usages supporting the economic development for local businesses. It was about bringing our families and communities back into Henderson.
The HTC Community-led Plan will focus on a number of activities which is led by committed agencies and community stakeholders. A number of activities are identified for applying a collaborative approach and include; CCTV cameras, supporting homelessness, promoting youth development, re-assurance and visible deployment of Police and community patrol volunteers, a vibrant plan of events and activities into the HTC, even the rumour that the Santa Parade might be returning to the Henderson Town Centre, that’s the aim!
Sadly, due to the reality and arrival of COVID-19, we all had to learn to be adaptable and flexible in the way we deliver, focus, and support our communities.
We admit, times are tough, and everyone is doing their best to get through this and support their families, with some, pivoting their business model to cater for the current environment. For that, we acknowledge you all as we stand together during these challenging times.
The HTC Community-led Plan has certainly provided a forum for the network to collaborate and ensure a jointed approach across Henderson is explored and maintained.
The Henderson business community is now a formal Business Improvement District (BID) through the efforts of the Central Park Henderson Business Association, who are keen to be one of the leading stakeholders in the plan. The group is grateful for the wonderful support from the local Police and Henderson-Massey Local Board.
The local board has contributed significant support towards the plan and will continue to maintain its strong relationship with the network of stakeholders as it journeys together in support of a safer and viable economy for the Henderson Town Centre.
Our local Police, headed by Area Commander, Inspector Stefan Sagar relished this opportunity along with his team supporting the plan for a safer and vibrant Henderson Town Centre.