Information For Businesses

Your Central Park Henderson Business Association recognises that the full impact of

COVID-19 on our area’s businesses won’t be immediately apparent. However, we are aware that current implications for business could include staff well-being, cash flow, supply chain, travel and rapidly changing market conditions.

We have all been surprised at the speed at which Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread globally and the impact it has had on several countries.

The message we are getting is that it is important to be vigilant and take extra care with some things – for example regularly, and thoroughly, washing your hands; stay home if you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms of a cold; but otherwise, we can continue business as usual.

There are no specific guidelines from the Ministry of Health about going out shopping, to the movies, or for brunch/ lunch/ dinner, or drinks. However, their guidelines for attending public events are the most relevant, and probably worth familiarising yourself with. The content below is from

The Government released an economic response package to help cushion the impact of COVID-19 and support the economy during the COVID-19 crisis. Click HERE to read more.

This package includes:

  • wage subsidy scheme
  • leave and self-isolation support
  • business cash flow and tax measures
  • wider $12.1 billion packages.

You can now seek assistance in way of a wage subsidy or leave payment.

You can apply as an employer HERE,

Or as a self-employed worker HERE

For more information about the employer’s support package click HERE.

Workplace Response To Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you have employees, Employment New Zealand has specific guidance in response to COVID-19 including how to handle self-isolation and sick leave.

Coronavirus: Information for businesses (external link) –

Business Assistance COVID-19 – Work and Income

Workplace response to coronavirus (external link) – Employment New Zealand

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the workplace (external link) – Employment New Zealand

If you have questions about handling information about an employee that isn’t well, including if there is a serious threat to someone’s safety, wellbeing or health, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner has guidance to help.

Is it okay to tell other employees that a colleague is sick? (external link) – The Office of the Privacy Commissioner

When can I use the serious threat exception? (external link) – The Office of the Privacy Commissioner

If you’re considering reducing people’s hours or redundancies due to COVID-19, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has support and advice.

Coronavirus: Redundancy information for employers [PDF 114KB] (external link) – Work and Income

Border Changes

On Saturday 14 March 2020 it was announced that we are stepping up protective measures to keep individuals, families and our communities safe and healthy in the current global environment through upgraded border control measures.

Changes have been made to border measures. Details of these can be found on the Health website and Immigration’s website.

This link provides the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19.

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) – Countries and areas of concern (external link) – Ministry of Health

Coronavirus update: INZ’s response (external link) – Immigration New Zealand

Support for impacted business

These new border controls are based on the precautionary principle to slow the spread of the virus – and they are vital to helping us to contain COVID-19. But there will be a significant impact on people wanting to come to New Zealand, for Kiwi’s looking to return to New Zealand and businesses who rely on an open border.

Exporters and importers

If you are an exporter or importer, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) has set up a page on their website which brings together information from NZTE, the Ministry for Primary Industries, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Customs. Information on the page is reviewed daily. It also includes contact details for the relevant agencies for you to get in touch with depending on your situation.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Information for exporters (external link) – New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

If you are an exporter with a specific concern you’d like to discuss,

NZTE has opened access to a panel of external experts.

If you are not already working with NZTE, you can call 0800 555 888.

Tax and cash flow

If you are having difficulties or concerns about meeting your normal tax obligations because of COVID-19, Inland Revenue has a range of ways to help, depending on your circumstances.

Tax relief – COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) (external link) – Inland Revenue

Get in contact with your bank if you’re experiencing cash flow issues, especially in regards to loans repayments or lack of funding. They might be able to help or put you in touch with someone who can.

Banking sector prepared for responding to COVID-19 (external link) – New Zealand Bankers Association

Health and safety

If you have health concerns, information and advice about COVID-19 are available from the Ministry of Health.

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) (external link) – Ministry of Health

Healthline has a free dedicated phone number for health advice and information about COVID-19, including registering self-isolation.

You can call 0800 358 5453, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Access to interpreters is also available. For international SIMS, call +64 9 358 5453.

WorkSafe New Zealand has information about the business and worker requirement for keeping people safe and well in the workplace, as well as guidance about personal protective equipment (PPE).

Workplace preparedness for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) (external link) – WorkSafe New Zealand

Landlords and tenants

If you’re a landlord or tenant of a rental property affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, Tenancy Services has information about your rights and responsibilities. They also have guidance and next steps if you are experiencing discrimination.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – what landlords and tenants need to know (external link) – Tenancy Services


If you are a childcare centre, work in education or are the parent, caregiver and whānau of learners, guidance is available from the Ministry of Education.

COVID-19 (external link) – Ministry of Education

Government information

For further government information about COVID-19 including health advice and travel restrictions, check out the website.

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) (external link) –

References and important websites